Why Solar?

Solar Energy is the Fastest Growing, Most Popular Renewable Energy Source in America Today!

·       Available to Any Size & Type of Business


·       Flexible Installation

o   Roof Tops

o   Open Land

o   Parking Canopies


·       Reliable Power Output

o   State of the Art Technology

o   Systems last 25+ Years!

o   10 to 25 Year Warranties on Solar Panels & Inverters


·       Easy to Install & Maintain

o   Modular Construction

o   No Moving Parts

o   Minimal Maintenance


·       Affordable

o   30% Tax Free Federal Grant on Solar Installation Cost

o   State Rebates and Incentives

o   Significant Electric Cost Savings!

o   3-4 Year Payback Period (Depending on State & Size)


·       Energy Independence

o   No more utility dependence and radical rate changes


·       Good for the Environment! Good for Business!

o   Reduce Green House Gas Emissions

o   More and more customers are seeking environmentally sensitive companies for their goods and services!