From the Owner

Hi! My name is George Mervine, and I am the owner of Eagle Solar Solutions. Thank you for visiting our website. As you can see, it’s a very simple website – no flashy videos, hundreds of images, or interactive spreadsheets. Just a down to earth presentation of what we do, and why you should choose Eagle Solar Solutions for your Solar Energy Project.

This is by design. As a business owner, I’m sure you’ll agree that keeping it simple is the most productive and effective way of achieving a task or completing a project, on time and within budget. Anything more is just “fluff,” that will eventually need to be paid for and usually by the customer. Fortunately, that’s not the way we do business here at Eagle Solar Solutions. Our approach is to “keep things simple, organized, moving forward, and with no surprises!”

With Eagle Solar Solutions, you get an experienced business person who knows what it takes to run a business. We understand customer service, cost control, risk management, and cash flow issues. We’re not a bunch of sales people loaded with pie in the sky promises, trying to sell you something on the back of a napkin, just to meet some monthly number! We’re business people helping you to buy what you need and that is affordable energy!

I’m sure you’ll have questions about our services and what we can do for you. So please give us a call or send us an email, and someone will get back to you today! I also invite you back to visit our website, and review some timely articles pertaining to the Solar Energy Revolution. You can find links to those articles to the right. Thanks, and Remember – Keep it simple!


Thank you,

George Mervine
