Why Now?

Why should you convert to Solar Energy NOW?

·       Solar Energy More Affordable than Ever!

o   30% Federal Tax-free Grants Available for 2011

o   State Rebates Available! (Varies by State)

o   Solar Renewable Energy Certificates Generate Steady Cash Flows to Offset Monthly Financing Costs!

o   Incentives will Soon Expire, so Act NOW!


·       Reduce Your Income Taxes!

o   Special Depreciation Elections Allow You to Write-Off 85% of Solar Energy Cost in 2011!


·       Interest Rates Remain Low!

o   Financing programs are Available to Suit Your Company’s Needs!

§  Traditional Purchase Financing

§  Commercial Equipment Leasing

§  Solar Power Purchase Agreements


·       Makes GOOD Business Sense!

o   Stabilize Your Energy Cost Now!

§  As the country’s economy continues to recover, utility energy rates will rise to meet increased demand!

o   Reduce Your Energy Cost to Offset Increases in Other Cost

§  Employee Health Insurance, Property Taxes, and Labor Cost are all projected to increase in 2011. No one knows better than you! Finally, an opportunity to reduce your energy cost, to minimize the impact of higher operating cost!

o   Maintain Your Competitive Edge, and Increase Your Market Share by Controlling Cost that can affect Pricing!


·       Now More than Ever, Customers are Concerned with the Environment!

o   Be a leader in your industry by becoming a Green Company!

o   Show your Customers you’re just as concerned about the Environment as they are!